Managing Material Price Changes and Inventory Values (1ZT)

Managing Material Price Changes and Inventory Values (1ZT)

This scope item provides users with an example of a process description that they can use to change material prices, mark prices for change, and release prices for material valuation.

You can make a price change in two ways:

In a single processing step with immediate effect: When material costs are changed, inventory is revaluated with all price controls, including valuation with standard price and valuation with periodic unit price.                                 

Change in a two-step procedure via determine Future Prices and Releasing Planned Prices: (1) When future prices are entered, the new future valuation prices are updated in all currencies and valuations in the material ledger data and in the company code currency in the material master record. 

(2) When planned price changes are released, the system updates the valid future prices (in the various currencies and valuations) as the current standard price or valuation price, and calculates a revaluation amount for the specific inventory quantity and revaluates the inventory value by this amount. The offsetting entry takes place in the revaluation account in accordance with account determination. If no material stock exists, only the price is changed.


Key Process Steps Covered

  • Choose between two alternatives: 1) A one-step price change where you change material costs and upload the material inventory prices; 2) a two-step procedure where you enter the future price and release the planned price change
  • View the material inventory values with a balance summary report


  • Maintain valuation prices independently in up to three currencies or valuations (cloud only)
  • Support group and local currencies in predelivered content

Where is Managing Material Price Changes and Inventory Values(1ZT) being used?

This Scope item is used in the following way:

  • As a support function of Accounting and Financial Close within Finance Scope Item Group

Process flow of Managing Material Price Changes and Inventory Values (1ZT)

Find below the process flow of the scope item Managing Material Price Changes and Inventory Values as it is defined for release s4hc-2111.

Download Process Flow of Best Practice scenario Managing Material Price Changes and Inventory Values (1ZT) - S/4HANA Cloud
Ref: Finance of SAP S4HC-2111
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